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Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: Brexit

The Beatles

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June 21, 2016 11:24 EDT

John Oliver discusses why it’s not so much of a Brexit, but rather a bratus quo, a bromeostasis or a conscious unbroupoling.

On June 23, the United Kingdom will vote over whether or not to remain part of the European Union. The campaign has become increasingly heated and ugly, with the polls showing narrow margins that could tip the vote either way.

With his characteristically acerbic wit, British comedian John Oliver dissects the arguments, lies and machinations surrounding the possible outcomes of a British exit. There is the Austrian politician rapping about Brexit, racist UKIP councilors and a uniquely British anthem in (not so much) praise of Europe.

What are the conclusions? Not everything sounds smarter in a British accent.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Fair Observer’s editorial policy.

Photo Credit: Tyler Merbler / Flickr 

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