Fair Observer Monthly: October 2017







Fair Observer Monthly is a chance for you to sit down, look back, breathe in and think about the month past. A month lasts 28 to 31 days, a suitably appropriate time to take stock of the world. We publish daily on our website and we select some of our best articles every month in our e-magazine. We will give you context and multiple perspectives on issues that matter. We will inform and educate you. Fair Observer Monthly does what we promise: make sense of the world.

In this edition, we shine the light on issues as diverse as the Las Vegas shooting and gun control to Chinese cyberwarfare and dissent in India. We also have articles on Puerto Rico, Chad and the national anthem protests.

This is an e-magazine that can be read on smartphone, tablet and desktop in PDF format.

1: Trump’s Wrongheaded Choices on Puerto Rico’s Humanitarian Crisis — Carlos Figueroa

2: What’s Holding Kenya Back? — Shigoli Shitero 

3: What Stops Us Shooting People — Ellis Cashmore

4: Chad Is Caught in the Crosshairs of Western Politics — Dina Yazdani

5: Is America Shot to Hell? — Peter Isackson 

6: Guns Have No Place in a Civilized Society — S. Suresh

7: The Tale of an Incompetent President and His Secretary — Naveed Ahsan 

8: Why the National Anthem Protests Were Doomed to Fail — Charles Hoskinson 

9: Silencing of Dissent in India Spells a Weakness of Democracy — Ankita Mukhopadhyay 

10: China’s Cyberwarfare Finds New Targets — Elizabeth Van Wie Davis


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