In an era dominated by echo chambers, polarization and misinformation, Fair Observer provides voices from over 90 countries a platform to share fact-based, well-reasoned perspectives. We believe that democracy is in crisis partly because journalism is in crisis. We believe that the response is bottom-up, not top-down and community-driven.
Fair Observer is much more than a website or an app or a presence on social media. We believe that people who share our commitment to open dialogue can shape the future. We believe in the old-fashioned idea that people coming together to meet face-to-face can be magical.
So, we invite you to join us at the The Old Bank of England in London. We will bring together authors, readers and supporters to discuss issues relevant to our times, get to know each other and brainstorm about how we can be better citizens in these trying times. So, bring a friend or two along for a great evening with your local FO° community.
For more than 10 years, Fair Observer has been free, fair and independent. No billionaire owns us, no advertisers control us. We are a reader-supported nonprofit. Unlike many other publications, we keep our content free for readers regardless of where they live or whether they can afford to pay. We have no paywalls and no ads.
In the post-truth era of fake news, echo chambers and filter bubbles, we publish a plurality of perspectives from around the world. Anyone can publish with us, but everyone goes through a rigorous editorial process. So, you get fact-checked, well-reasoned content instead of noise.
We publish 2,500+ voices from 90+ countries. We also conduct education and training programs on subjects ranging from digital media and journalism to writing and critical thinking. This doesn’t come cheap. Servers, editors, trainers and web developers cost money.
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