
Imagine a world where owners, advertisers and algorithms do not dicate what you read, hear or see. Instead, real perspectives from real people from around the world are available for free.
Fair Observer is and always has been open-access and without paywalls, thanks to you.
Your donation enables students in places like India and Kenya and underpaid teachers in places like Indiana and Kansas to get fact-checked, well-reasoned information for free.
If you need more information, please go to our FAQ page and take a look at our quarterly/annual updates here.
We rely on your support for our independence, diversity and quality.
Yes, Fair Observer is a 501(C)3 nonprofit and, as such, donations to our organization are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law in your personal circumstances.
Imagine a world where owners, advertisers and algorithms do not dicate what you read, hear or see. Instead, real perspectives from real people from around the world are available for free.
Fair Observer is and always has been open-access and without paywalls, thanks to you.
Your donation enables students in places like India and Kenya and underpaid teachers in places like Indiana and Kansas to get fact-checked, well-reasoned information for free.
If you need more information, please go to our FAQ page and take a look at our quarterly/annual updates here.
We rely on your support for our independence, diversity and quality.
Yes, Fair Observer is a 501(C)3 nonprofit and, as such, donations to our organization are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law in your personal circumstances.