Rakesh Kaul

Rakesh Kaul

Rakesh Kaul, a highly accomplished and well-recognized business leader based in New Jersey, is the author of the bestselling “The Last Queen of Kashmir” (HarperCollins) and the critically acclaimed “Dawn: The Warrior Princess of Kashmir” (Penguin India). He migrated to the US from Kashmir in 1972 after becoming a gold medalist at IIT Delhi. In addition to a distinguished business career, Kaul has written extensively for leading newspapers and magazines and has been a keynote speaker on the history, politics and culture of Kashmir. He has served as the co-chairman of the Arts of Kashmir Exhibition at the Asia Society in New York. Kaul was a founding contributor to the first chair of India Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and to the Center for the Advanced Study of India at the University of Pennsylvania, as well as the Mattoo Center for India Studies at the State University of New York. He has an MBA from the University of Chicago, where he was the Leon Carroll Marshall Fellow, and an MS from Brown University. He serves as the vice-chairman of the Indo-American Arts Council.


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