Francisco Rodriguez-Jimenez

Francisco Rodríguez-Jiménez is currently working at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais in Lisbon. He was formerly a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University, a Fulbright Scholar at American University and George Washington University and a visiting scholar at Universitá di Bergamo, Wake Forest University, and Johns Hopkins University–Bologna. He is the author of Trump. Historia de una presidencia singular (with Carmelo Mesa-Lago y Pablo Pardo). Francisco has edited US Public Diplomacy Strategies in Latin America during the Sixties (Routledge, forthcoming, 2024) and US Public Diplomacy and Democratization in Spain. He has also edited Estados Unidos y América Latina, entre Modernización y Contrainsurgencia, Mujeres Universitarias en España y América Latina and El Portugal Salazarista Frente a la Democracia. Francisco is regular on Georgetown podcast Y Esto No es TodoFair ObserverNTN24RTP2-Portugal, Cadena CopeLa Sexta TVEl Mundo and Canal Extremadura.


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